Whether it's a postcard or a snapshot, Hieloiceberg's FarmVille holiday farm remains picture perfect. The colorful winter scene that Hieloiceberg has created is dramatically contrasted by a surrounding field of brown plots. Looking at it is enough to give you the sense that you're staring at a window into somewhere else.
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Aside from a nighttime sky made of hay bales, most of Hieloiceberg's other items are from last winter and the winter before it. The largest building inside the Christmas town is a completed Winter Workshop, which is also required for the Festive Tree goals. That in turn, explains how Hieloiceberg got those lovely, Frozen Pegasus statues. Speaking of equines, there's several Snow Stallions here, though Hieloiceberg used only the foals to better match the ones pulling the Winter Carriage. Sillier, yet no less festive critters include the Clumsy Reindeer and Sneezy Sheep.
The town itself is bordered by many Tinsel Fence (and two Tinsel Arches). Two "Happy Holidays" signs stand out on the two south corners of the framed town, while all the way to the bottom of the actual farm, the 2011 New Year Party Barn is holding a little light show. If Hieloiceberg's imagination went a bit farther, I can totally see dressing up the field to make the town look like a floating, holographic projection by the Party Barn.
Check out the rest of our Holiday 2011 coverage right here.
Which do you find easier -- decorating your home for the holidays or your FarmVille farm? Sound off in the comments. Add Comment
If you have an AWESOME FarmVille farm that you want to see featured on Games.com, please email a picture to editors@games.com, Include a few words about the inspiration for your design and maybe a few tips for people who need an assist!
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